Thursday, February 5, 2009

Revisions Needed

Apparently the way I was doing things was better, at least in some ways. Jumping out of bed and exercising like I did on my mission is apparently not going to work for me while I'm pregnant. I tried it this morning (yay! I actually did it!), but way too early into the first yoga exercise I got terribly dizzy and by the second one I had to step off the balance board and head to the bathroom (with my trainer's obnoxious taunt of "Hey those muscles aren't going to tone themselves you know!" following behind me). While crouched over the toilet, I recalled how I've read a few times that morning sickness is best handled by eating something as soon as you get up and then resting twenty or thirty minutes before getting out of bed. I've never felt sick in the morning before - and there's why. James brings me food and I sit up in bed for at least half an hour before moving to the office. There I was doing everything right and thinking I was doing everything wrong. I'm going to have to come up with a new plan for exercise, because I don't think what I did this morning was beneficial to anyone. Ouch.


Heidi said...


Melanie and Chauncey West said...

I hope you can get a handle aon it, I never did after 4 times so far!
I am sory, I didn't know you were sick. It will go away.....sometime.

Tracie said...

:( This sucks. Maybe try working out in the afternoon instead. You can still do your other goals and stay in bed. :)

Christian and Jennifer said...

Oh, Charity! I'm sorry you aren't feeling so well. I've heard that if you lay in bed and THINK about yoga, it's just as effective.

Carolyn said...

darn morning sickness... It'll be over before you know it. :D

Elizabeth said...

Oh, I'm so sorry your sick. Exercising probably doesn't help much either. The only time I have ever thrown up during a pregnancy was with Gillian while I was exercising too hard. I didn't even make it back in side, but threw up right outside Emily and Ryan's garage door. Luckily, it was early in the morning so I didn't have anything in me yet--or maybe that was the problem.