Sunday, July 29, 2012

Grandpa Wilde

In the beginning of May, we learned that James's Grandpa Wilde had been diagnosed with stomach cancer. Just a few weeks later, we learned the cancer was already at stage 4, and that Grandpa had chosen to receive hospice care at home. We got two wonderful visits with him. Even though he was experiencing a lot of pain, he still had a great sense of humor and was just the same cheeky Grandpa we've always known and loved. He joked about how he should start charging his visitors a quarter, since so many people were coming to see him, he'd be rich. He smiled and laughed and shared stories, but mostly sat back and (I hope) enjoyed the love all around him as people came in and out to show their love and admiration and support for him. And then before we ever expected, not even a month after his diagnosis, he was gone.

We will miss him. He  always had a prank to pull or a story to share--usually about interesting ancestors or pioneer history. We loved sharing a good movie with him, he always had one to recommend and was always willing to share one with us. When I was dating James and visiting him at his grandparents' home a lot, Grandpa would often make me a malted milk or share a bowl of ice cream with me. He and Grandma instantly made me feel at home and comfortable, and I called them Grandma and Grandpa from the day I met them. I will always cherish memories of going to the temple to do sealings with Grandpa. He was so dedicated to family history and temple work; he left a wonderful legacy of service and sacrifice for us to follow and emulate.

We love you, Grandpa Wilde.

1 comment:

Valerie Russell said...

What a sweet post, thank you. I love hearing what other people love about grandpa.