Thursday, April 24, 2008

Week-so-far in Review

The week's not over yet, but here it is already Thursday and I haven't really posted anything all week. I hope you enjoyed Monday's video—it's one of my favorite commercials ever. I just love the little bunnies hopping around with their colored feet. Anyway, even though the week's not over I thought I'd give you a review of what's been going on this week.

Monday – ok I'll just admit it. Monday, I got home from work and called a friend to go with me to the store so I could buy a pregnancy test. I AM NOT PREGNANT, but I thought I might be based on varied biological evidence that all turned out to be maliciously deceiving me. I don't think I've fully processed the experience yet, but it sure caused a range of emotions as I went through the entire experience. I was nervous and terrified, but also excited at the prospect. I mean, James and I want to have a baby in the near future, and even though "the near future" was still months away, it was sort of thrilling to think about. But terrifying. Definitely a rather sobering prospect—becoming a parent. I guess part of the disappointment of not getting the little plus sign on the test was that now I don't have a good explanation for the varied biological evidence that led me to the hypothesis that I may in fact be pregnant. Maybe it was just stress. I don't know but it was definitely an experience that has changed the way I look at things in general. Odd, and maybe I should explain it, but maybe you all get it already. I'm gonna go with you guys getting it already.

Tuesday – was a long day at work. We're doing workshops, so I'm in early to set up and out late because of clean up. So it usually ends up being a ten-hour day for three to four days of the week. This week it's only three days. But it's fun and a change from the norm, plus I get fed breakfast and lunch, so it's actually really nice. The only downside is that I'm so tired by the time I get home. We were supposed to have Allison over for dinner, but I didn't get home until so late and she had already eaten. So instead we went out for shakes at Burger Supreme. It was really fun though—I just love spending time with my sister in law. She's really funny and agreeable and fun to be around. We told lots of riddles and silly stories (James ruined all mine though). Then we went home, played a little Guitar Hero (of course) and then Allison was kind enough to play cards with me. James doesn't like to play games with me, so when Allison comes over she satisfies my craving for a good game. Plus she's a blast to play with. And even though we have yet to finish a game of Spit we always laugh enough for several games' worth.

Wednesday – there is really nothing to say about Wednesday. I got home, took a bath, then got in bed. I'm looking forward to not being so dang tired.

Also this week, I can't remember the day, Mom sent me a package with some beautiful things from Egypt. I love knowing that Mom and Dad still think of us when they're off on exciting journeys around the world. And soon we'll be on our own exciting journey around the world! We'll take lots of pictures for everyone, but I can't promise any souvenirs—we'll be thinking of you though! J

Well, until something else exciting happens, it's ta ta for now.


Patti Johansen said...


Patti Johansen said...

Charbear, Thanks for sparing us the details of the various biological evidences! And just for the record you will be the best mom ever. Dad (who also said Dang previous post)

Christian and Jennifer said...

Ah, Charity . . . you WILL be the greatest mom ever and even the COOLEST mom ever . . . because YOU are a guitar hero! Thanks for sharing and just know that we love you and love to read your stuff. Sorry I've been out of town for a week. I miss you!